В мае 2017 года я был в Северной Африке, в Тунисе, в городе Сусс. Проживал я в отеле, в котором решил взять интервью у главного аниматора, который был очень весёлый, профессиональный и, в том числе, неплохо говорил по-русски.

Его все называли Рио, но его Арабское имя – Риад (Riadh). Рио – это короткое и удобное имя для туристов.
Интервью я брал на английском языке, т.к. его уровень владения русским не позволил бы провести интервью. Кое-где встречались русские слова.

Далее, интервью…
Рио: Why?
Я: Непонятно
Рио: Почему?
Я: Чё почему?)
Рио: Эй, ты давай говори, я плохо говори по-русски, а, понимаэшь?
Я: I speak on English!
Рио: Ah!
Я: If you can give answers on Russian, you can give answers on Russian
Рио: Yeah. I don’t understand: why?)
Я: Why? It is my hobby
Рио: Yes, okay, давай
Я: Your name is Rio, and what is your last name?
Рио: My Arabic name is Riadh Ajmi. Rio is name only for tourists, because it is short
Я: Can you write it on my notebook?
Рио: По-русски or английски?
Я: English
Рио: Here? Here?
Я: Yes-yes
Рио: (writing…)
Я: How your friends, your family name you?
Рио: My friends not say Rio, they say Riadh
Я: Ok. And how old are u?
Рио: 25
Я: I thought, it is less than 25. Ok. Where was you born?
Рио: Me?
Я: Yes
Рио: Tunis
Я: Sousse or another city?
Рио: Another city
Я: What is another city?
Рио: Nadiah
Я: Where you are living now?
Рио: In another город, другай город
Я: And you every day come here using car, etc.?
Рио: No, I live here, in Sousse
Я: What is your foreign language?
Рио: I can speak Arabic, English, French and on Russian a little bit
Я: Ok, and so you now 4 languages?
Рио: Yes
Я: All right, what is your education? An education history?
Рио: I completed school and university. But after I finished university I started working, because Tunis have no many work
Я: Now, you working here and your profession is animation, yes?
Рио: Yes
Я: And how long you are working in this hotel?
Рио: 2 years
Я: And for working in animation you took some education?
Рио: Yes
Я: Your work is hard or not?
Рио: It is a funny job, I dance, swim, etc. But I can’t much sleep
Я: How many hours you can sleep?
Рио: Sometimes like 3-4, sometimes not
Я: And you live not in a hotel? So, you need time to come to home and come to work on next day
Рио: Yes
Я: How much time you need to come to home from hotel?
Рио: It is like 10 minutes
Я: You walk or … ?
Рио: Walk, walk, пешком
Я: How you can work like that? Every 1-2 week people is rotating and you always (1-2 weeks) see a new faces. How it to you?
Рио: Is OK. I do that job like for 5 years
Я: Ok, and why you choose this sphere of working?
Рио: I like it, I don’t know, I like it…
Я: What is season of work?
Рио: We have 6 months, from February to November, but
Я: And your main work it is 6 months?
Рио: Yes
Я: How are you relaxing?
Рио: 1 day of week
Я: Full day?
Рио: Yes
Я: May be, you have holidays like 2 week in a season?
Рио: In a season – not, only after 6 months
Я: How you took spend your holidays?
RioL I be with my family, we walking
Я: Sorry, I forgot an important question: are u married or not?
Рио: No
Я: And you have no children?
Рио: Ha, of course no! 🙂
Я: How do you work in holidays? May be some Islam holiday?
Рио: We have Ramadan, for example
Я: And you are not working in Ramadan?
Рио: No, I work. Look, it is job, I have to work
Я: Are you religious?
Рио: Muslim
Я: How do u think, how is it hotel? In comparing
Рио: 3 years it is number 1 hotel
Я: What u can say about policemen in a street? On every corner you can see police
Рио: It is normally. On Russia no like that?
Я: not so much, may be…
Я: You know, last 3 years in Tunis was bad thing
Рио: Yes, we lost a much of people
Я: And after that was too much policeman’s?
Рио: Yes. Because we don’t want to happen this again. We lose tourist, no job, no money
Я: You know, after Egypt closed, many of Russian tourists arrived on Tunis
Рио: Yes, it is a lot of Russian tourists
Я: Where did u learn Russian?
Рио: With people
Я: Just with people? Without some web-sites, YouTube videos
Рио: Yes, just with people. Because I speak all day
Я: Do u want some special learning Russian language?
Рио: Yes… But I more like learn with tourists, not with some teacher
Я: Do u live with your family or you have your own house?
Рио: No, I live with my family
Я: What you can say about ISIS?
Рио: I do not understand why they do it. For many, may be? Why? I do not understand
Я: Tunis has border with Livia and has war situation with Livia. How it is serious?
Рио: It is very serious
Я: How I see in every hotel, some security guys always checking every car using some thing to check. Did they want to find some bomb?
Рио: Yes, but it is normally, it is security, you know
Я: How you can describe politic situation in Tunis?
Рио: …
Я: Just a few words. How to you president of Tunis?
Рио: I actually not like him
Я: Why?
Рио: He is not very strong, smth. like this. I don’t know. I not like him
Я: Do u want to be a president of Tunis?
Рио: Ha-ha, not it is hard work, it is not for me
Я: What is main problems in Tunis?
Рио: Work, may be. Many problem with work, money, and, so, owning family.
Я: Okay. What you can say about Russia? 🙂
Рио: Crazy people, drink so much, really, it is funny, enjoy together with Russian.
Я: Do u want to trip into Russia? May be, trip into Moscow?
Рио: Yea, I wanted to go to Russia last winter, but I haven’t enough money.
Я: What you now about Ukraine
Рио: Крым…Крым it was on Russia now
Я: Крым
Рио: Yea
Я: Crimea
Рио: Yea, but now problem is opened: Russia not like Ukraine and Ukraine not like Russian
Я: Where did u take this information?
Рио: From people
Я: Did u learn some newspapers about it?
Рио: Really, it is simpler to ask people
Я: Do u watch TV?
Рио: Yes, of course, but now I have no time
Я: What do you think about USA?
Рио: …
Рио: I do not like Israel
Я: Israel?
Рио: Right. They kill everyone: child, woman, they do not care about it. They kill our one from Tunisian, very professional …
Я: And what about USA?
Рио: May be, I not like it, because they are with Israel together… I do not care, really.
Я: What do u think about this idea: America created terrorism. What can u say about it?
Рио: I do not something …
Я: What you think about Syria?
Рио: Syria. It is good country, really. We love Syria, love woman, nice people. I have some friends there
Я: What you think about American’s operations in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan?
Рио: Yea, you know, America like… проблемы.
Я: Okay, I think, that is enough, thank you!
Так получилось, что после интервью мной были подарены мои часы моему собеседнику.

Я с ним списался недавно (осень 2017) и узнал, что часы он бережёт и носит.